You don't need to stress about purchasing a domain, transferring it or any of the hassles my clients are nervous about. I can help with single tasks you may be stuck on, or start from scratch. I am a WIX CREATOR / Partner Level - so you can put your website in hands of someone with experience working with small businesses and independent contractors.
(Below are a few samples of different types of website options and integrations used to give potential clients an idea of the ranges available to suit budget and options.)
I'm redesigning my own website & trying to starting a blog to keep up all my art projects.
A few examples that may help you see how your business would be transformed online.
Updated to a fresh look with custom videos on landing and topic pages, branded PDF's, combined multiple pages into an easier navigation and saved the client over $500/year by reviewing and combining services.
This place is amazing! I was lucky enough to experience real understanding of the difference between a clinical massage and spa massage. Try them out and tell them I sent you!
Updated a 175+ page website. Adjusted navigation and 3rd party expenses saving this non-profit over $3,000 in yearly expenses. Integrated with Form Assembly utilizing as much CMS for the customer to easily update events, job listings and repeat information themselves via simple spreadsheet input available through CMS in Wix.
Also an update. Presently now maintaining website incorporating CMS sheets and payment portal with auto renew payments, email campaigns, and event management hosted through website. Referral from a happy client!
The website was revamped for user-friendliness, allowing clients to easily make changes and edits. This was a referral came from a client associated with another organization who noticed their website update and cost saving options.
Assisted this small business with increased dynamic design and branding. Utilizing "Wix Bookings" with website maintenance by business owner.
Website FAQs
I meet with the customer to figure out their technical limitations and comfort level before deciding which direction to go. For that reason, I now only use WIX. Wix now has responsive website capabilities with flex box technology. I can do the more advanced templates designs (for clients that will not be updating themselves) or use a more simple technology that clients can maintain themselves (I PROMISE!) and still have the movement and awesome capabilities) just more user friendly for people with no web experience.
How long does a new website take?
It takes me approximately 2 weeks to design and layout the first draft. From there you will be able to review before we turnover you older site and go live with the new site. We can make changes and updates prior to going live.
How do clients maintain their site? That sounds scary!
You don't have to go it alone. You have the choice! I can maintain for clients, but some do not have a budget for even my affordable fees (or they want to be in control! That's OK too! I'm not one of those designer's that capture your property and won't let you control it. My goal is to make your website self-sustainable. The updates needed are designed and set up to be simple for the client. I offer custom video tutorials, on-site training and I'm always here for a quick phone call or to fix anything that you may have done wrong and can't figure out...but that rarely happens.
But WIX? Really?
Yes - WIX ! There is nothing I've wanted to do in over 8 years of working on that platform I cannot provide for my clients. It may not be for everyone, but focusing on small businesses, non-profits and independent contractor for YEARS - I've never been unable to do something I wanted for my clients. (Now they have new dynamic interface creating more options. I haven't moved any clients over yet, it's a bit more complicated, and many like to update sites themselves. But it IS possible! Clients updating themselves save money, but I can maintain for clients as well. With that said, I'm sure serious SEO focused web design firms don't appreciate my opinion about simplicity and WIX. And there are reasons a business may need to spend THOUSANDS of dollars on a website, (imperative top ranking SEO/heavy retail.) But you can still have a very successful and affordable website with a presence on Google without spending all your limited small business profits.
CONTACT ME - no pressure. I'm quite passionate about helping other small businesses because I've received help along the way myself, and I'm paying it forward.
Wow- you like to read! Well if you want even MORE, further below are some examples of blogs/websites and newsletters.
Thanks for your time!